Do you spend hours each day hunched over your phone or computer? If so, you may be at risk for developing tech neck, a condition caused by the strain on your neck and spine from constantly looking down at screens. Learn about the symptoms, risks, and prevention strategies for tech neck.
The only orthopedic neck pillow designed to reverse the symptoms of tech neck and forward head posture.
What is Tech Neck?
The rapid advancement of technology has brought many benefits to our lives, but it has also led to some negative consequences. One of the major drawbacks is the impact on our physical health, particularly on our necks and backs. Tech neck is a condition caused by the repeated strain on the neck and spine from looking down at screens, such as phones, tablets, and computers. This posture can cause pain, stiffness, and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Over time, it can also lead to more serious issues like spinal degeneration and chronic pain. It’s important to be aware of the risks and take steps to prevent tech neck.
How Does Tech Neck Affect Your Health?
Tech neck can have a significant impact on your health. In addition to causing pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, it can also lead to headaches, eye strain, and poor posture. Over time, the repeated strain on the neck and spine can cause spinal degeneration, which can lead to chronic pain and other serious health issues. It’s important to take steps to prevent tech neck and maintain good posture while using technology.
Children and adolescents are at the highest risk of developing spinal problems due to their heavy usage of handheld devices. Doctors and spine specialists have reported a significant increase in spinal degeneration in young people, which is usually only seen in much older individuals. This is due to the postural changes that occur when using these devices, such as slouching and a forward neck posture. These changes can have a lasting impact on the spine and muscles of the back and neck, leading to degeneration, disc problems, and other issues.
Studies have shown that even just texting on a handheld device can place up to fifty pounds of additional pressure on the spine, particularly in the neck. This can result in loss of the natural curvature of the neck, slumping of the upper back, and added stress on the spine. Children who grow up using these devices in the "texting" position are at risk of developing neck pain, back pain, postural issues, and even requiring early spine surgery.
Importance of Taking Breaks from Technology.
Taking breaks from technology is crucial to prevent tech neck and other health issues associated with constant device use. It’s recommended to take a break every 20-30 minutes to stretch, move around, and give your eyes a rest. You can also try adjusting the height of your screen or using a stand to keep it at eye level, which can help reduce strain on your neck and shoulders. Additionally, practicing good posture and strengthening your neck and back muscles through exercise can also help prevent tech neck.
MyJet Luxopedic Pillow Offers a Solution to the Problem.
Medical research proves that immobilizing an affected area is one of the most effective ways to reduce pain and inflammation. Clinical studies have also determined that reclining the neck in extension (back) for even 15 minutes a day reduces nerve compression that causes pain and begins reversing the negative effects caused by technology overuse. The patented Advanced Bracing Technology in the MyJet Luxopedic Pillow provides this type of support by giving the cervical spine a break from the constant stress it undergoes daily. Combined with the ability to add heat or cold therapy, it is a simple, conservative way to reduce pain and prevent future flare-ups.